Punt’e órganu a fiuda (m)
(with) definite article: ? [su?]According to Oppo the correct term for an irregular Kunsertu made and played by Daniele Casu, who calls it, incorrectly, a Bagadia; The same Mancosedda-Loba combination [➺ Kroba; ws] is presented as possible by Attilio Scroccu.
Mankosedda (in [key?]): Arrefinu: d²; Krais: f²-g²-a²-b♭²; Mankosa manna: Arrefinu: f¹; Krais: g¹-a¹-b♭¹-c²; Tumbu: B♭.
NB: Example(s) to be replaced with staff-notation.
Oppo, Franco: Il sistema dei cunzertus nelle launeddas [with extensive attention to the various tunings]. In: Sonos (1994), p.159/161 (note 23).