
Wiebe Stodel: Various

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Annotations to »Något om Watländarenas ſeder« in Åbo Tidning, 2019 (1 p.)

Bagpipe index Gojković, »Narodni muzički instrumenti«. 1995 (2 p.)

Bagpipe index Sachs, »Real-lexikon«. 1995 (2 p.)

Bagpipes in art (Various) (5.925 kB)

Bagpipes in cinema (A survey) (4.942 kB)

Bagpipes in documentary films and videos (164 kB)

Bagpipes in jest (4.683 kB)

Bagpipes in non-traditional songs (381 kB)

Bagpipes: A survey of illustrations on covers and dust-jackets, and (occasionally) in books (4.953 kB)

Bìkèha: analysis of the text in 中国音乐词典 [Zhōngguó yīnyuè cídiǎn; »Chinese music dictionary«, Běijīng, 1984, p. 290•1]. 2018 (1 p.)

Cabrette (pronunciations): Annotations to map no.1648 in »Atlas linguistique et ethnographique du Massif central« (1961) (1 p.)

Cimpoi (and its parts) in Romanian dictionaries. A complete survey. 2019 (23 p.)

Cornemuseux (A systematic survey of occurrences in George Sand, »Les maîtres sonneurs« (Paris, 1857) and Jean-François Chassaing, »La tradition de cornemuse en Basse-Auvergne et sud-Bourbonnais« (Moulins, 1983)« (1 p.)

English translation of bagpipe-related chapters in Jadwiga & Marian Sobiescy, »Polska muzyka ludowa i jej problemy« (Warszawa, 1973). 2018 (11 p.)

English translation of the basic terminology of the construction of the Shēng, mentioned in »笙的演奏法« [Shēng de yǎnzòu fǎ; Playing method for the Shēng]. 2018 (1 p.)

English translation of the section on "Gajde" in Ramadan Sokoli & Pirro Miso, »Veglat muzikore të popullit shqiptar« (Tiranë, 1991), p.121-130 [& 271-272, drawings 42-43]. 2018 (11 p.)

Expressions, proverbs, &c. (31 kB)

Italian translation of Ernst Eugen Schmidt, »Sackpfeifen in Schwaben: zur Wiederentdeckung eines vergessenen Volksmusikinstruments«: Manuskript für "Blätter des Schwäbischen Alpvereins", Stand: 20.3.97. Made on request of Antonietta Caccia, president of the "Circolo della Zampogna", for publication in Utriculus. 1997 (7 p.). NB: ➺ Utriculus VII;1 (25) (1998), p.26-35

Logos of organisations (4 MB)

Mary Anderson [Piper Mary]: Biographical notes, collected from several sources. 2018 (4 p.)

Pipers index Džimrevski (Џимревски, »Гајдата во Македонија«). 1998 (9 p.)

Pipers index Manga, »Nógrádi dudások« (1950). 2017 (1 p.)

Pipers index O’Neill, »Irish minstrels«, with corrections and annotations. 2017 (7 p.)

Pipers index Sobiescy, »Polska muzyka ludowa i jej problemy«.2018 (9 p.)

Shēng terminology: a compilation, extracted from several sources. 2018 (2 p)

Svardonica: a survey of dictionaries in which it is mentioned, 2019 (1 p.)

Tiktiri, Pungi, &c.: an analysis. 2017 (1 p.)

Topographic index Džimrevski (Џимревски, »Гајдата во Македонија«). 1998

Topographic index Širola, »Sviraljke s udarnim ježickom« (maps). 1995

Topographic index Širola, »Sviraljke s udarnim ježickom«. 1995

Uilleann pipe(s). Remarks on defective spellings in various sources. 2017 (1 p.)

Uilleann pipes: Sketch after an engraving in a memorial stone (1 p.)

Vietnamese mouth organs: a first attempt to translate the text of a Vietnamese website on musical instruments. 2019 (8 p.). Source: ➺ website