Bladder pipe
Bladder pipe: any type (even if foreign to the local tradition)
Vèze; Platerspiel; Gaita de vejiga.
Identical types: 613th-17th century; Considered as a primitive bagpipe with a bladder as air reservoir; The bladder was not pressed with the arms, but mere elasticity caused the air to flow into the chanter, providing time for inhaling; Not to be confused with bagpipes with a bladder bag, such as the Puzyr’, Šüvyr, &c.
Sachs, Curt: Real-Lexikon der Musikinstrumente: zugleich ein Polyglossar für das gesamte Instrumentengebiet [Berlin, 1913]. Hildesheim, 1964 [facsimile].
Sachs, Curt: Handbuch der Musikinstrumentenkunde [1920]. Leipzig, 1930 (2), p.357.
Baines, Anthony: Woodwind instruments and their history [1957]. With a foreword by Sir Adrian Boult. London, 1962 (2) (Bladder-pipe).
Marcuse, Sibyl: Musical instruments: a comprehensive dictionary. New York, 1975 (»Baines, Woodwind, »Buchner, »Kinsky, »Sachs, Handbuch).