Barillet (m)
(with) definite article: le"shuttle" drone, adjustable: no bell, no cavity / double reed
A tubular piece of wood (or sometimes ivory) with 4 drones of unequal bore and length (➺ Description in Sachs), which are tuned by means of slides; Its position is Lateral; NB: The present term is in fact just a description of its shape (None of the consulted sources mention an actual term at all).
The 4 drones are provided with Double-reeds.
Sachs, Curt: Real-Lexikon der Musikinstrumente: zugleich ein Polyglossar für das gesamte Instrumentengebiet [Berlin, 1913]. Hildesheim, 1964 [facsimile], p.264 (➺ Musette [1]).
Praetorius, Michael: Syntagma musicum, 2: de organographia. Wolfenbüttel, 1619. Herausgegeben von Wilibald Gurlitt [1958]. Kassel, 1964 [facsimile (2)], pl.XIII;4.
Meer, John Henry van der: Typologie der Sackpfeife. In: Anz. Germ. Nationalmus. (Nürnberg, 1964), p.140 (Rackett).
Montbel, Eric: Les cornemuses du Massif Central: Autour de la cabrette. In: Ricros (et al.): La cabrette… (2017), p.128 (barillet latéral).