
Cornamusa (f)

(with) definite article: la
(the) horn-pipe [?]

Bagpipe: any type (even if foreign to the local tradition)

Identical types: 34

Generic term for all kinds of bagpipes, Italian or otherwise; Spelt Cornamuʃa, it is mentioned as a synonym of Tibia utricularis in Carlo d'Aquino, »Lexici militaris«, pars II (Romæ, MDCCXXIV [i.e. in Roma, 1724]); According to Baretti, who spells it Cornamúsa, it is "a bag-pipe"; Also mentioned, with the same spelling, in Gianfrancesco Rambelli, »Vocabolario domestico« (Bologna, 1850); According to Marcuse (us usual, ignorantly parroted by Podnos), it is a "mouth-blown bagpipe of the Abruzzi [sic], Italy", referring to Baines as her source, who doesn’t explicitly name that region, but dubiously mentions "southern Italy and Sicily" (➺ p.95), instead, where it is usually called a Zampogna, however. The only exceptions are the names and terms used in one of the many dialects, and those in "Arbëror" and "Griko" (dialects spoken in the Italo-Albanian and Italo-Greek communities respectively); NB¹: "Far cornamusa" is an expression mentioned by Baretti, who translates it as "to make one believe"; NB²: ➺ Scupine and Totorosse; NB³: ➺ Scialumò.


Sachs, Curt: Real-Lexikon der Musikinstrumente: zugleich ein Polyglossar für das gesamte Instrumentengebiet [Berlin, 1913]. Hildesheim, 1964 [facsimile].

Praetorius, Michael: Syntagma musicum, 2: de organographia. Wolfenbüttel, 1619. Herausgegeben von Wilibald Gurlitt [1958]. Kassel, 1964 [facsimile (2)], p.42.

Baretti, Giuseppe [Marco Antonio]: Dizionario delle lingue italiana ed inglese, 9th ed., vol. 1 [Corrected and improved by Charles Thomson]. Londra [London], 1839, p.[155 (Cornamúsa; "Far cornamusa")].

Leydi, Roberto: La zampogna in Europa. Como, 1979, p.9.

Širola, Božidar: Sviraljke s udarnim jezičkom [Aerophones with a beating tongue]. Zagreb, 1937, p.372.

Marcuse, Sibyl: Musical instruments: a comprehensive dictionary. New York, 1975 (»Baines [?; ➺ p.95]; »Praetorius; »Sachs).

Podnos, Theodor H.: Bagpipes and tunings. Detroit, 1974, p.25, 49.

Verschuere Reynvaan, J. [Joos]: Muzijkaal kunstwoordenboek, ..., [vol. 1: A-M]. Amsteldam, MDCCXCV [i.e. Amsterdam, 1795], p.186.

Utriculus, nuova serie XVII (55), I semestre 2018, Miscellanea zampognara, p.91: “Tibia utricularis” (»D’Aquino, p.361).

Utriculus, nuova serie XVIII (57-58), 2019, Miscellanea zampognara, p.106: “Un otre e tre canne” (➺ CORNAMUSA; »Giovanni F. [sic] Rambelli).

Kuhač, Franjo Š. [Šaver]: Prilog za poviest glasbe južnoslovjenske: Gajde [Contribution to the history of South Slavic music: Bagpipes]. In: Rad jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, knjiga L (Zagreb, 1879), p.44, 73 [2x].

Rambelli, Gianfrancesco: Vocabolario domestico (Bologna, 1850), p.393.

Jacquot, Albert: Dictionnaire pratique et raisonné des instruments de musique anciens et modernes. Paris, 1886, p.62 (Cornemuse; ➺ Cornamusa).


Google books (D’Aquino [Find cornamufa [sic (with f !)]: p.361).
ibidem (Rambelli [Find cornamùsa: p.393]).
ibidem (Jacquot [Find cornamusa: ➺ Cornemuse]). (Baretti [Find cornamusa]).
ibidem (Kuhač [Find cornamusa]).
Accademici della Crusca, lessicografia (Inzampognare [➺ Far cornamusa]).