Gajdarka (f)
(with) definite article: Gajdarkataoriginal: гајдарка(та)
single chanter: cylindrical, bent, no bell / single reed
Entire Macedonia; NB¹: ➺ homonyms; NB²: Oddly, and erroneously, Gojković locates the term in Creševo, Croatia [sic].
Traditionally made of шимшир (šimšir [boxwood (Buxus sempervirens)]), with a Rokče of buffalo horn (nowadays [i.e. late 20th century (after 1960); ws] often of plastic, or sometimes even only painted black); Examples of the ranges of its plagal scale are: 1 (Sveti Nikole, near Štip): e¹-f♯¹-g¹-a¹-b¹-c♯²-d♯²-e²-f♯²; and 2 (Skopje): f¹-g¹-a¹-b♭¹-c²-d²-e♭²-(e²)-f²-g² (and its higher pitched equivalents: f♯¹-g♯², g¹-a², and a¹-b²).
NB: Example(s) to be replaced with staff-notation.
Gaidunitda, Gaidunitsa, Gajdarče, Gajdarica, Gajdarska, Gajdenica, Gajdunica, Gajdurka, Kleparka, Surla, Svirče, Vigurka, Vražaljka, Vražalka
Leydi, Roberto: La zampogna in Europa. Como, 1979, p.162* (type only, no term).
Линин, Александар [Linin, Aleksandar]: Народните музички инструменти во Македонија [The folk musical instruments in Macedonia]. Скопје [Skopje], 1986, p.96-100 (passim).
Širola, Božidar: Sviraljke s udarnim jezičkom [Aerophones with a beating tongue]. Zagreb, 1937, p.123, 174 (Ureševo [= Creševo?]).
Џимревски, Боривоје [Džimrevski, Borivoje]: Гајдата во Македонија: инструмент - инструменталист - музика ([The bagpipe in Macedonia]). Скопје [Skopje], 1996, p.129, 163*, 166*, 252-253 (»Ðorđević).
Gojković, Andrijana: Narodni muzički instrumenti [Folk musical instruments]. Beograd, 1979, [erroneously HR] (»various).
Вукосављевић, Петар Д. (Vukosavljević, Petar D.): Гајде у Србији – њихова сазвучја и могућност уклапања у савремени народни оркестар = Bag – and – drone pipes in Serbia: their chording and compatibility with a modern folk music orchestra. Београд (Beograd), 1979, p.38 [➺ p.35 (A)*].