Rog (m)
original: рог
sound enhancing end of a chanter
NB: ➺ homonyms.
Usually made of ox-horn, but even if made of wood its name remains the same; The edge is decorated with fringes (tassels) made of skin.
Širola, Božidar: Sviraljke s udarnim jezičkom [Aerophones with a beating tongue]. Zagreb, 1937, p.175, 178.
Jakovljević, Rastko Stevan: Marginality and cultural identities: Locating the bagpipe music of Serbia. Durham, 2012, p.288* (»Vukosavljević) [+ 7 undefined references].
➺ Вукосављевић, Петар Д. (Vukosavljević, Petar D.): Гајде у Србији – њихова сазвучја и могућност уклапања у савремени народни оркестар = Bag – and – drone pipes in Serbia: their chording and compatibility with a modern folk music orchestra. Београд (Beograd), 1979, p. [42*], 43, 45* (Erske gajde).