Roncón (m)
(with) definite article: ellow drone, adjustable: cylindrical, straight, no bell, cavity? / single reed
From "roncar" [to snore / drone] ?; Retrograde; NB¹: García-Oliva shows an unusual type with 3 resonance cavities in Y-shape, 2 of them being small bells crowning the larger basic one (like animal ears); NB²: ➺ homonyms, &c.
2 octaves below the tonic of the chanter.
Leydi, Roberto: La zampogna in Europa. Como, 1979, p.36.
García-Oliva Mascarós, Alfonso: Museo de la Gaita: catálogo de las cornemusas del Museo de la Gaita de Gijón. Gijón, s.a. [1992], p.106-107/*.