
Passitoru (gender unknown)

bass (pipe)

only drone, adjustable: cylindrical, straight, no bell, cavity / single reed

Identical types: 9

Quasi-lateral (suspending, with a strap, from the fore-arm or wrist; When played sitting down: resting on the knees); A single drone is always longer than the low drone of the type with 2 or 3 drones; 2nd and 3rd drones are always in juxtaposition with the 1st (suspending from the same strap [NB: ➺ Pael]).

A 5th or an octave below the chanter (g or d¹): 300-750 mm (2-3 pieces); Usually cylindrical, but conical drones have been - rarely - made as well; As a 1st drone: g (chanter in D or G), A (chanter in D), or c (chanter in C): 300-600 mm (2 pieces), the 2nd being d (chanter in D or G), or e (chanter in D): [300-500 mm?] (2 pieces).

Bassitoru, Dromm, Drumm, Käi, Pass, Pill, Pulk, Tori, Toro


Leydi, Roberto: La zampogna in Europa. Como, 1979, p.115.

Атлас музыкальных инструментов народов СССР = Atlas of musical instruments of the peoples inhabiting the USSR [1963]. Вертков, Константин А. (Vertkov, Konstantin A.) / Благодатов, Георгий И. (Blagodatov, Georgij I.) / Язовицкая, Эльза Э. (Jazovickaja, El’za E.). Москва (Moskva), 1975 (2), ➺ p.89.

Tonurist [sic], Igor [Tõnurist]: The Estonian bagpipe. In: The bagpipes in Europe, 1 (1976), p.49.