Kanzi [?] / Karahsa [?] (-)
original: ქანზი / კანზი [?], ქარაჰსა [?]
double chanter, assembled: cylindrical, parallel, common bell / asymmetrical holes / single reeds
NB¹ (Karahsa): ➺ homonyms.
NB²: ➺ my remark in Čiboni on the problem of Schilakadse's treatment of terminology.
Key: E♭? (e♭-c¹).
NB: Example(s) to be replaced with staff-notation.
Damzkebi [?] / Mtkmeli [?], Dednebi [?] / Lerzmis deda [?], Karahsa [?] / Rka [?] / Kanzi [?], Mebane [?] / Modsahili [?], Satite [?] / Tvali [?]
Leydi, Roberto: La zampogna in Europa. Como, 1979, p.180 (type only, no term).
Атлас музыкальных инструментов народов СССР = Atlas of musical instruments of the peoples inhabiting the USSR [1963]. Вертков, Константин А. (Vertkov, Konstantin A.) / Благодатов, Георгий И. (Blagodatov, Georgij I.) / Язовицкая, Эльза Э. (Jazovickaja, El’za E.). Москва (Moskva), 1975 (2), p.135 / 219.
Schilakadse, Manana [Šilakadze]: Der georgische Dudelsack. In: The bagpipes in Europe, 1 (1976), p.68.