Rog (m)
(with) definite article: Rogotoriginal: рог(от)
low drone, adjustable: cylindrical, straight, no bell, cavity / single reed
Term, according to Vukosavljević used in Probištip [E of Skopje], apparently for the main drone of the 3-voiced Gajda only; NB: ➺ homonyms.
Pitch: d.
NB: Example(s) to be replaced with staff-notation.
Вукосављевић, Петар Д. (Vukosavljević, Petar D.): Гајде у Србији – њихова сазвучја и могућност уклапања у савремени народни оркестар = Bag – and – drone pipes in Serbia: their chording and compatibility with a modern folk music orchestra. Београд (Beograd), 1979, p.34, 35 (Б/B)*, 38 (»Nikola Stojkovski, Kriva Palanka), 40 (pitch).
ws: Not in Džimrevski!