
Puntera (f)

(with) definite article: la
➺ remark(s) below

single chanter: conical, straight, no bell / double reed

Identical types: 28

From "puntos" [points (the mediaeval Spanish term for notes)] ?; NB: ➺ homonyms, &c.

Keys (scales) and ranges, according to Jambrina Leal, who unfortunately fails to identify the octave levels [e.g. C-c, c-c¹, c¹-c², or else]:
(1) A modal (minor): c-d-e♭-f-g-a♭-b♭-c (the 3rd, 6th and 7th degrees can be more than a quarter tone higher than shown);
(2) B natural (tonica C !): b♭+1/4-c-d-e (in practice natural)-f-g-a♭+1/4-b♭+1/4-C;
(3) No indication of name (tonica G !): f+1/4-g-a-b (in practice natural)-c-d-e♭+1/4-f-G.
NB: Example(s) to be replaced with staff-notation.


Jambrina Leal, Alberto: Panorama de la gaita de fole en Zamora, Castilla y Leon [sic]. In: Utriculus IX (34), aprile/giugno 2005, p.10, 11 &12 (scales).

ws (linguistics [➺ Dictionaries, &c.]).