
Ispinellu a pipia (m)

(with) definite article: ? [su?]
➺ remark(s) below
Identical types: 29

According to Weis Bentzon meaning "as a little girl"; Dore, who calls it Spinello a pipia, translates it as "infant" (adjective) or "childlike"; Luigi Lai calls it Spinellu a pippia.

Mankosedda (in G): Arrefinu: d¹; Krais: g¹-a¹-b¹- c²; Mankosa manna: Arrefinu: g¹; Krais: a¹-b¹-c²-d²; Tumbu: G (These tunings agree with those of an instrument in C, as presented in »Launeddas«).
NB: Example(s) to be replaced with staff-notation.

Spinello a su ball’e sa monza


Weis Bentzon, Andreas Fridolin: The launeddas: a Sardinian folk music instrument. Copenhagen, 1969, p.20.

Meloni, Gianfranco & Pala, Giulio: Conoscere e suonare le launeddas. In: Launeddas: l’anima di un popolo (1997), p.157-159.