Kontrappuntu (m)
(with) definite article: suCampidano plain; According to Weis Bentzon a Punt’e organu in D major with a half-length drone [Tumbu]; According to Dore made in 2 keys (C and D), and according to Lai in 4 keys (F, G, A, and B♭); Weis Bentzon refers to Giulio Fara, »Su uno strumento musicale sardo« (in Rivista musicale italiana, 1913-1914), in which he "shows kontrappuntu as a Punt’'e organu [sic] in C-major, with a drone of normal length, a kuntsertu which has never been described to me [i.e. WB], but may well have existed".
Mankosedda (in D): Arrefinu: d¹; Krais: e¹-f♯¹- g¹-a¹; Mankosa manna: Arrefinu: a; Krais: b-c♯¹-d¹-e¹; Tumbu: d.
NB: Example(s) to be replaced with staff-notation.
Weis Bentzon, Andreas Fridolin: The launeddas: a Sardinian folk music instrument. Copenhagen, 1969, p.20, 21, 144 (note 7).