Gajda (f)
original: гајда
Bagpipe, mouth-blown: 3 stocks (a: single chanter / b: 2 drones in 2 stocks)
Macedo-southern Morava area; NB¹: ➺ homonyms, &c. (incl. Gaida and Gaita); NB²: Gojković, who fails to mention this type in her paragraph Troglasne gajde [➺ p.92], only refers to it in several entries (➺ Sources [below]) !
Gojković, Andrijana: Narodni muzički instrumenti [Folk musical instruments]. Beograd, 1979 (➺ Duvaljka (1), Gajdarka, Gajdenica (1), Glasnik (4), Glavine (1), Pomoćna brčalka, Slagarče).
Вукосављевић, Петар Д. (Vukosavljević, Petar D.): Гајде у Србији – њихова сазвучја и могућност уклапања у савремени народни оркестар = Bag – and – drone pipes in Serbia: their chording and compatibility with a modern folk music orchestra. Београд (Beograd), 1979, p.5, 10*, 34-40/*.