Gajdarka (f)
original: гајдарка
single chanter: cylindrical, bent, no bell / single reed
Eastern Macedo-southern Morava area [location?]); NB¹: This chanter is similar to the Gajdanica of the Leskovac variant of the Macedonian-Southern Morava bagpipe type, but it has a slighly different range (Note the difference with the Surla of the Prilep variant); NB²: ➺ homonyms.
Range, according to Vukosavljević: f¹-g¹-a♭¹-b♭¹-c²-d²-e²-e²-f♯♯² [sic].
NB: Example(s) to be replaced with staff-notation.
Gojković, Andrijana: Narodni muzički instrumenti [Folk musical instruments]. Beograd, 1979 (»various).
Вукосављевић, Петар Д. (Vukosavljević, Petar D.): Гајде у Србији – њихова сазвучја и могућност уклапања у савремени народни оркестар = Bag – and – drone pipes in Serbia: their chording and compatibility with a modern folk music orchestra. Београд (Beograd), 1979, p.38, [40*] (»Nikola Stojkovski, Kriva Palanka).